Although small, peregrine falcons are one of nature’s fiercest, fastest birds. The peregrine population declined in the mid-20th century due to pesticides, but has resurged throughout North America and Europe. By the time they were removed from the endangered species list in 1999, an estimated 1,650 breeding pairs in North America existed.

Learn more about these formidable raptors below.


 Download a Free PDF of the Infographic Here

The use of DDT nearly wiped out the peregrine falcon population in the 1960s; however, thanks to the efforts and commitment of passionate volunteers and organizations, including Xcel Energy, peregrine falcons rebounded.

As an energy provider whose operations extend thousands of miles, conservation is a key component of our environmental commitment to the customers and communities we serve.

Our Bird Cams, the first of which went online in 1997, are just one of the many steps our company has taken to increase conservation awareness. The live streams feature different raptor species including bald eagles, peregrine falcons, great horned owls and, most recently, American kestrels. Our partnership with organizations like Raptor Resource Project and HawkQuest allow us to continue our conservation efforts and create the best nesting homes for these raptors. Learn more about our corporate responsibility here.

Watch the peregrine falcons live on our Bird Cam website and follow Xcel Energy-Minnesota on Facebook for the latest updates.

The Xcel Energy Foundation and HawkQuest’s long-standing relationship has provided thousands of students the opportunity to learn about birds of prey in a classroom setting featuring live raptors. The partnership, which fosters education, conservation and community involvement, supports HawkQuest’s mission and Xcel Energy’s values.