Xcel Energy has a 100% rating from the Human Rights Campaign and that's something we're proud of during #Pride Month 2019. This year’s LGBT Pride events across the country are marking a significant milestone, and Xcel Energy is sponsoring events in the communities we serve, to honor the past by celebrating equality today.

50 years of change

Every major movement has a turning point; a moment where a decisive disruption occurs, and everything is changed forever.

In 1969, one of these moments was Stonewall.

That year, the West Village of New York City became the epicenter of a landmark rebellion against the status quo social and legal oppression of lesbians and gay men. The Stonewall Inn bar catered to an assortment of patrons and was known to be popular among the poorest and most marginalized people in the gay community.

On June 28, a surprise police raid turned contentious. As people were released from the raid, they joined a growing crowd of onlookers outside the bar. The scene became an explosive 45-minute riot with pushing and shoving and the throwing of bricks and other objects. Things reached fever pitch when the bar was set on fire, and riot police cleared the streets.

 The Stonewall Inn uprising was a prominent point of civil unrest and the start of organizing for change. It was a true breaking point. Within six months, activist organizations took hold, and three newspapers were established to promote human rights. Within a few years, gay rights organizations were founded across the U.S. and around the world. On June 28, 1970, the first gay pride marches took place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, commemorating the anniversary of the riots.

Xcel Energy invites you to celebrate Pride

Everyone is invited to join in celebrating Pride month. Throughout June, Xcel Energy will participate in several events, all of which are great opportunities to participate in the fun, recognize the 50-year history, and celebrate Pride with your community.

Twin Cities area

  • June 9 - Golden Valley Pride See Xcel Energy’s booth at the festival and learn more about how you can save on electric bills this summer.
  • June 14 - Lynx Pride Night  Xcel Energy is proud to sponsor Pride Night at the Lynx! 
  • June 22-23 - Twin Cities PRIDE  Check out the Xcel Energy Booth at the fair in Loring Park

Denver metro area

Eau Claire area

 Texas Panhandle area

  • June 23 - Panhandle Pride We’ll be at Memorial Park in Amarillo Texas, be sure to say hello!

