Companies of all stripes have made massive adjustments and changes since March 2020. And many businesses are looking to economize their operations. The benefits of saving energy have gone from nice to have, to need to have. That’s why Xcel Energy’s energy advisors are here to help businesses realize their potential energy savings opportunities and line up the cost-saving rebates and incentives to help bring them to life.
Just ask Jesse Anderson, team leader of Xcel Energy’s energy advisors, part of the Business Solutions Center (BSC). He directs advisors to help businesses find hidden energy efficiency opportunities and take advantage of all incentive programs and rebates available to them. “Our goal is pretty direct -- to help your business save money by saving energy.”
“Our results are clear to our customers because they show up as cost savings in rebates, lower maintenance costs and energy savings on their bills.”
Learning to adapt
“While the business conditions changed in the early spring, we were already accustomed to providing our services as a virtual team,” Anderson elaborates. “We just needed to leverage more virtual technologies to accommodate remote walk-throughs.”
Simple starting points
“We are here to help customers get started by advising on the many options and help them understand recent advancements in technology” Anderson continues. “Once they learn about LED lighting, heating and cooling upgrades or other enhancements, they realize the paybacks can be fairly quick, and the long-term benefits are often bankable.”
LED lighting is often an effective icebreaker to get started. The capabilities, low maintenance, and longevity of LED lighting upgrades make them attractive energy efficiency projects.
There’s been more attention on Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system efficiency thanks to new interest in indoor air quality.
Also, Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are offering HVAC systems greater efficiency because they can operate at variable speeds, which can significantly reduce energy use while often providing more consistent temperature comfort for building occupants.
A good start can lead to more
From an initial project, energy advisors can then introduce businesses to an additional tool chest of options to help customers implement energy efficiency best practices.
In 2020, projects for warehouses, smaller manufacturers, and companies in the service industry are most common
Rebates drive participation
Typically, equipment rebates help customers make improvements as they reduce the up-front investment in energy efficiency projects. Xcel Energy has two different types of rebate offerings:
- Prescriptive rebates are established amounts on specific equipment.
- Custom rebates are created to help fit unique situations and use a special application process.
Rebates and availability are always changing. Check with an energy advisor to determine which options best match your needs.
Energy Advisors are focused on your business – and it’s a free service.
Now is a good time to get in touch with an energy advisor. They can take the hassle out of identifying opportunities to leverage rebates and incentives that can help reduce cost of implementing energy efficiency projects to help save your business money.
Call 855-839-8862 or visit our energy advisor webpage.