In December of 2018, Xcel Energy made a bold proclamation: Serve all customers with 100% carbon free electricity by 2050. A significant, industry-leading commitment to a clean energy future.

A clean energy transformation that is growing in popularity

Since then, it’s great to see other utilities, major corporations and even states join this clean energy quest. 

Now U.S. Congresswoman Diana DeGette of Colorado wants a clean energy standard for our entire nation. The goal of her proposed bill, "The Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment Act of 2020" is to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050.

Ben Fowke, CEO and chairman of Xcel Energy, said, "This bill would establish achievable targets consistent with our carbon strategy for 2050 and encourage widespread deployment of renewable energy."

DeGette’s proposed bill is consistent with Xcel Energy’s strategy in three key ways:

  1. Requires carbon-free electricity by 2050 for the power sector.
  2. Recognizes the need for new, innovative, carbon-free, 24/7 generating technology.
  3. Modernizes and reforms tax incentives for clean energy

Balancing customer needs with clean energy goals 

Fowke continued, “Those factors are key to achieving our environmental goals, while keeping energy service reliable and customer bills low.  We look forward to continuing to work with the congresswoman on this legislation and other efforts towards delivering carbon-free electricity by 2050.”

Learn more about the latest progress of Xcel Energy’s vision for carbon-free electricity by 2050.