Xcel Energy and the lives of our customers are powered every day by the contributions of our employees in trucks, on utility poles, in offices and in nearly every energy job imaginable. Part of that important workforce is our interns — students learning valuable work skills while they also complete degree programs across our service territory. On National Intern Day — recognized on July 27 — we’re proud to honor the hard work and dedication of our high school and college interns.
“I have loved getting to work closely with nonprofits and have felt so ecstatic to be amongst a team that strives for community empowerment and advocacy,” said Emma Solis, a Corporate Giving intern working in both Denver and Minneapolis. “The team makes me feel inspired, energized and grateful to be here … I hope to soak in every experience here at Xcel Energy and grow my knowledge in my field of study.”
Suz Sabec works in Gas Operations and draws on her degree in electronic technology and the degree she’s pursuing in business management to help crew members in Michigan use the new UKG time entry system. She said, “Every day working here at Xcel is another opportunity to learn business practices firsthand, along with integrating networking into the factor of interning.”
And Vlad Chisora, an associate data scientist senior intern working in Distribution Scheduling and Performance, said, “This has been a great learning experience. I have seen it as an opportunity to apply my skills as well as acquire new ones. I have had a chance to explore different areas and applications of data science within the utility industry.”
We have a long history of providing internships to students at various levels of their education. From high school youth to college undergraduates and graduate students, we’re committed to helping students gain the skills and experience they need to succeed in their future careers. And we value diversity inclusion, striving to create an environment where interns from all backgrounds are invited to make their best contributions, drawing on their unique perspectives, experiences and aspirations.
Xcel Energy and our customers benefit from the fresh perspectives, new skills and dedication our interns bring to work each day. In many cases, our interns go on to become full-time Xcel Energy employees. Whether they choose to pursue long-term careers with us or strike out to find their own futures, we value our interns and recognize their hard work, dedication and the role they play in our success.