On Saturday, May 25th, Serving Our Troops partnered with the Minnesota National Guard to host families and friends of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division at the Saint Paul RiverCentre for a fantastic (and early) steak dinner.Xcel Energy has been supporting Serving Our Troops since its inception in 2004.
Watch Xcel Energy’s John Marshall Director of Community Relations, a Veteran and one of the founders of Serving Our Troops, and Greg Chamberlain Regional VP of Regulatory and Government Affairs kick off this special day in this short video from Kuwait.
The meal in St. Paul was served in conjunction with an overseas meal served in Kuwait to deployed soldiers of the MN National Guard. Both events were linked via live video.
Here’s a quick recap video as the festivities in Kuwait are finishing up.
100,000th steak proudly served
Sometime on May 25th Serving Our Troops recorded their 100,000th steak served. It’s a time of extraordinary connections between soldiers serving overseas and their family and friends back home.
Mission critical
The Red Bulls assumed command of Task Force Spartan in September of 2018 to maintain a U.S. military posture in the Middle East sufficient to strengthen defense relationships and build combat capacity with partner nations. More than 650 Soldiers of the Minnesota National Guard's 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division Headquarters are on this 10-month long deployment in Kuwait. They are expected to return in late July of 2019.
Learn more about Serving Our Troops.