Xcel Energy is now installing smart electric meters in Wisconsin, expanding the use of new tools and technology for smarter energy service that is cleaner, safer and more reliable while helping keep bills low. So far, nearly 1.4 million smart meters have been installed for customers in Colorado, Minnesota and Texas, reaching more than one third of the company’s overall plan to install 3.9 million smart meters across all service territories. Smart meters are part of the company’s Advanced Grid initiative, which is helping build the energy future.
“We’re excited to take this next step in building a smarter, more resilient and efficient energy grid and making it easier than ever for customers to understand and manage their energy use,” said Karl Hoesly, president, Xcel Energy - Wisconsin. “Smart meters are the starting point for this advanced grid, boosting reliability and providing new tools and technology to help customers lower costs.”
As part of the Advanced Grid initiative, smart meters will supplement other technologies being implemented to provide customers with key benefits such as:
- Detailed energy data: With a smart meter, customers can view energy usage in monthly, daily, hourly, and 15-minute intervals. This will allow customers to better manage their energy use and find ways to reduce consumption and save money.
- Remote capabilities: Two-way communications with smart meters provides remote connect/disconnect capability, so customers’ service can be remotely connected or disconnected, depending on state and local requirements. This provides a quick and efficient response time to customers’ requests to start or stop service.
- Improved outage response: Smart meters provide improved reliability and faster outage restoration by detecting customer outages, therefore reducing the time customers are without power. Customers will also receive quicker notifications when service is out and more accurate information on when power will be restored.
There are many other capabilities in development that include extensive benefit reporting, a Grid Visibility Tool for system operators, a real-time energy usage application for customers called My Energy Connection, Distributed Intelligence which proactively prevents outages, and improved customer outage notification.
Installations in North Dakota, South Dakota and New Mexico will begin in 2024, and Michigan in 2025.
Visit xcelenergy.com/SmartMeter to learn more about smart meters.